
The Future of Women & Girls in golf aims to ensure that golf is a sport where women and girls are inspired to participate, feel welcomed and nurtured throughout, and empowered to achieve their goals.

The Bayview Golf Club acknowledges the important role community golf clubs will play in transforming our sport into one that is highly engaging, accessible, and fully inclusive for women and girls.

Bayview Golf Club officially supports Golf Australia’s Women and Girl’s Engagement Plan and commits to participating in national initiatives designed to increase the engagement of women and girls in golf.

Golf Australia’s Women and Girls’ Engagement Plan

The Women and Girls’ Engagement Plan is playing a critical role in increasing leadership & participation in golf in Australia through five key areas of the game, that align to Australian Golf’s National Strategy:

1. Telling our story better
2. Attracting new Golfers
3. Increasing our Core
4. Attracting New Fans and Growing Revenue
5. Working together